Nov 24, 2006

A feed for mFiles.co.uk...

One of the music sites that I've enjoyed over the years has been mFiles. Not only does it provide you with great commentary ranging from classical composers to modern pieces, but it also provides you with pieces of music in MIDI, MP3, and, my personal favorite, free sheet music. I have found it to be a great place to get introduced to various musical styles and composers.

One thing that I noticed a while ago was that this site did not have a feed, so to keep up with the site's regular updates, one had to visit the site regularly.

After approaching Jim Paterson (the site's webmaster) about an RSS feed, I decided to write a little program that will generate an RSS feed from mFiles. This service has been replaced by https://feeds.mfiles.co.uk/mfiles-musicfiles .

My program is very simple, and usually visits mFiles once a day, parses through the articles, and generates an RSS 2.0 feed. The feed currently only contains the titles of the articles and a link to mFiles.co.uk. A few notes about the feed:

If you have any suggestions, problems, or questions about the feed, please feel free to contact me, or if you have questions about mFiles, please contact mFiles directly.

I hope that you will find this useful!

Filed In

