Jul 22, 2004

Updated Using Multiple Vendor's ORBs with Name Services...

About a month ago, I released Using Multiple Vendor's ORBs with Name Services (announced here), which demonstrated how to use CORBA with some C++ and Java ORBs.

In addition to fixing a couple bugs and adding some UML diagrams (created by Poseidon for UML), the main update is to add support for C#. While the .NET architecture is designed towards using SOAP, it is still sometimes important to communicate to existing CORBA installations. While there are a number of ORB's available for C#, my article discusses IIOP.NET.

Other ORBs for C# include Borland's Janeva (which requires the J# compiler), MiddSol's MiddCor.NET (which is commercial), and Remoting.Corba.


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